If your anson funds is growing, adjusting or trying to maintain stability, you’re likely dealing with what it means to navigate an increasingly complicated business environment. This dynamic external business environment is a combination of economic, political and legal, demographic, social, competitive, global and technological sectors that affect the way internal employees act and how well they meet company objectives.
Thriving in Complexity: Navigating Today’s Business Challenges
Complexity is a result of the growing interconnections and relationships between technologies, data, products or services, projects and people within an organization. It’s also the natural byproduct of positive business changes like innovation, expansion and growth. But if left unchecked, business complexity can kill project performance and impact the bottom line through cumbersome structures, new rules, unnecessary meetings and inefficient processes.
Unfortunately, many companies aren’t aware of how much their own complicatedness is reducing productivity and costing them money. As a result, they try to address external complexity by piling on even more complicatedness in an attempt to take control. However, this only exacerbates the problem and often leads to devastating unanticipated outcomes.
To overcome this, leaders must learn to recognize which operating context they are in and quickly apply the appropriate leadership response. This requires reframing what they see, rewiring how they think and reconfiguring what they do. To achieve this, they must refocus their attention on the big picture, be more flexible with the process and embrace tolerance for making mistakes. Only then can they ensure that every program and project aligns with the organization’s strategic goals.