
Come and Take It Flags

In this political moment, the “Come and Take It” flag — even without an assault-style rifle — is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Drive across Texas, and you’ll see it flying next to the American and the Texas flags. Despite its long association with gun-rights activism, the flag’s historical significance extends beyond a specific Texan conflict. Its legacy, rooted in resistance against tyranny and oppression, is an ideal that’s relevant to anyone who values liberty and personal freedoms.Check this out :

The story of the Come and Take It Flag begins on October 2, 1835, during the first battle of the Texas Revolution against Mexico’s government and Santa Anna. Two young women in Gonzales hastily prepared a flag with an image of a cannon and the words “Come and Take It,” which was raised above the cannon during the battle. The flag was the first of many to carry that slogan and its symbolism forward as a defining element of Texan culture.

Come and Take It Flags: A Chronicle of Resistance and Resilience

Today, the Come and Take It Flag is an emblem of Texas pride and a reminder of a historic struggle against colonialism. It symbolizes a sense of shared culture and heritage that unites Texans from different backgrounds and political views, a sentiment reminiscent of the Spartans’ courage at Thermopylae or John McIntosh’s refusal to surrender Fort Morris.

Its influence has also extended beyond Texas’ borders, becoming a popular symbol among gun-rights activists who fear that their Second Amendment rights are being threatened by liberal politicians and activists. During the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns, some activists displayed the Come and Take It Flag alongside protests against government overreach and law-and-order rhetoric.